Monday, October 17, 2011


Our first field trip and such a great one! We went out to Elgin, to the Christmas Tree Farm, where they also host a Pumpkin Festival. We had such a fun time! When we first got off the bus, we went off to paint our mini-pumpkins.

Then we got to feed and pet the animals.

Then it was time for the students' FAVOURITE thing EVER!!!! The MAZE!
They ran through it so fast and so many times, I lost count. And even at the end before we got back on the buses, they wanted to go back into the maze. Funny what they go for, isn't it?

But then it was time for some science, so we went to the open meeting area and heard a story

and learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin.

Don'cha just love a hayride? That's what we did next...

Well... perhaps some of us were a wee bit knackered... ;)

We had lunch... which gave us a lot of new energy. So, we played on the swingset and in the hay... and then sadly, it was time to head back to Pflugerville. But not before one last AWESOME photo....
with some tired students and teachers.

Isn't teaching incredible?

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