Friday, November 4, 2011

"Book It" at Pizza Hut

One of my most favourite promotions as a teacher is the free personal pan pizza for reading offered by Pizza Hut. I mean, really, can you think of a more perfect combination than reading and pizza? And Pizza Hut has been doing this for years! My children did it when they were in school and I have done it just about every year that I have been a classroom teacher. But this year I knew I wanted to add a little something more to the incentive. (Truthfully, I need no reward for reading, it is it's own reward in my book-- pun, intended... but all the same, offer me a pizza and I am over the moon!) For students, that added incentive of getting your own pizza can be the reason they read every night. This year, though, I decided that I would meet my students at our local Pizza Hut and make it a celebration-- as well as a way for parents to meet the other parents in a more social setting. (I know, right? How can people be inhibited in a classroom? Hmmm?)

On Thursday evening, the last thing I wanted after a very tiring day was to still be "Ms. Klein", but I had a lot of good reasons for wanting this to succeed, so I drove off to our Pizza Hut on Pecan Street...

and had the most wonderful time ever! Oh yes I DID!!!

I even had a canadian bacon pizza with Rootbeer instead of my usual pepperoni and Diet Coke. (Thanks, Ridge for the suggestion!) Totally went out of my comfort zone that night! You know what? I have some amazing students and incredible parents in my class this year and the time passed very quickly with lots of conversation and laughter. Eight students and their families were able to come out and celebrate their children as readers. And somebody even paid for my pizza! How's that for super cool? (Yeah, Mrs. Mosley thinks she's clever with her sly questions but I can think deductively as well as inductively... Thank you, Mosley family for the free pizza!) I can't wait for December!!! Maybe more will come. And maybe I won't get mixed up with the dates and our 3rd grade buddies can join us... who knows... Pizza Hut, "I'll be back"!

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