At the beginning of the year, I like to take out five different maths tools and have students spend some time playing exploring with them. I choose five at a time because I usually have five different table groupings. I put one tool on each table, we "explore" for 10 minutes and then we all move as a group to the next table to explore the tools on that table in a round robin fashion until we have been to all 5 tables. Then we do it again the next day. I might change out one of the tables for another manipulative so that all of the maths tools we have become very familiar to the students straightaway. For instance, I noticed that the color tiles didn't have a lot of appeal to the students this year. I will replace the color tiles with Judy clocks-- which in all likelihood won't be one of the favorite tools either. At the same time, students know what these tools are used for and will be able to use them appropriately when they are needed. The Base 10 blocks, the geo-blocks and the pattern blocks are always popular and the students really need time to play explore with them before I ask them to use them.
This is important for many reasons: #1. To have the students become familiar with the tools and what they can do. #2. Playing is how children learn--- yes, even in Second Grade! They are still young learners. Allowing them to play legitimately, actually gets rid of the desire to play with them. By the time we begin to use them to REALLY solve maths problems, they will have had their fill of "playtime" and be able to get down to work with the manipulatives. #3. Familiarity allows children to "think outside the box" in using maths tools to solve problems. Thinking "outside the box" is usually the goal whilst solving problems as creativity is the most essential traits needed. As Einstein said, "It is impossible to solve a problem on the level at which it was created". I want my students to be creative and persistent problem solvers. Here we are on our first day of "Maths Tools Exploration".

Base 10 blocks

Color tiles


Pattern blocks